
Friday, November 29, 2013

Stream Strategies - Glides

The following photos are the second in a four-part series of identifying and fishing water types.  

The head of the glide.
Glides are three to ten feet in depth with large boulders, deep slots and ledges strewn along an irregular bottom. They are similar to pools in that the water is clearer and slower so fish can become more selective. Many flies can be used but I prefer to use an Adams, a Stewart, a Caddis or a variety of nymphs. Dry flies are dead drifted on the surface, wet flies can be swung across or under the surface and nymphs are usually dead drifted near the bottom.  

The lower end of the glilde. 
Glides can be fished effectively if you approach quietly and wade with care. Always fish the shallow water first to avoid spooking fish in close. Glides can be fished effectively using many different patterns and techniques.

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