Norm's Stone |
are many different versions of stoneflies and most are effective.
Some are tied to look like the real bug while others are tied to
suggest the appearance of one. Norm’s Stonefly falls in the
middle. It looks close to
the natural, but it’s not an exact replica. I prefer this
latter style because they are easier to tie and they work just as
well if not better than perfect models.
It has a soft latex body, a
black chenille or wool thorax, a black goose feather for the wing case
and goose biots for the split tail. Front goose biots are optional as
well as lead wire spiraled around the hook shank to help the fly sink
most nymphs, it must be cast upstream and dead drifted as it sinks
and tumbles close to the bottom. Strike indicators can help detect a
strike, but oftentimes a
good nymph angler has that innate quality of sensing a subtle take.
But, to use an old saying, “When in doubt, set the hook.”
for tying Norm's Stonefly:
36890, 9672 sizes 8-4
3/0 black
lead wire (optional)
tail: Goose biots
Black latex over black wool
Black hackle palmered over black wool
case: Black goose feather section
Antennae: Goose biots (optional)
for tying Norm’s Stonefly:
Tie in 2 goose biots split apart. Attach black wool and latex.
Spiral on lead wire if desired.
Wrap the wool 2/3 inch forward and tie off. Follow with 7-10
wraps of latex and tie off.
Tie in wing case and black wool. Then, wrap the thread
forward to 1/8 inch of the eye.
Wrap wool forward to form the thorax and pick it out. Then spiral in 3-4 turns of hackle and bring the
wing case over the top. Tie the head off and cement.
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