Fly Casting Diagram |
1. Pick out your target.
2. Aim slightly higher for each longer cast.
3. For short casts aim 3-4 feet above the water.
distance and effortless casts are determined by the loop in the fly
line. With large open loops the line has less wind resistance and the
speed of the line is dissipated. This causes the line to lose energy
and it cannot be delivered with a full thrust. To rectify this pick
up the line firmly, pull the line back stopping the rod at one or two
o’clock and make the forward stroke. As the loop rolls over and
levels out, lower the rod to complete the cast. Any slack line during
this process will “kill the cast.”
improve your casting accuracy, determine where to cast the line, the
approximate distance and wind direction. The diagram below shows the
relative angles for distance, average and short casts. Here is a
chart and a few suggestions to help you improve you techniques.
be discouraged if you coordination is slow in developing. Mistakes
are quite common in the beginning, because it’s not easy to
concentrate on three or four different actions at one time. The best
way to eliminate these initial problems is to receive proper
instruction from a qualified instructor. In time you’ll be able to
critique yourself and begin to cast efficiently.